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miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011



John wayne  and  panama
The Duke and I were very good friends and both worked closely together for months in his New Port Beach home, California, to explain the Panama Canal Treaties advantages to the USA and Panama. Mainly by answering well supported letters coming from top ranked retired generals and conservatives congressmen and senators whose doubts about the Treaties were sincere and honest, when those Treaties were about to be discussed at the US Senate. Tens of thousands of highly emotional letters coming from his loving fans were handled by a specialized "I LOVE YOU TEAM" in Hollywood... We succeded and THE DUKE was very, very happy... He teached me to love the grandiose and beautiful land he loved to horseride with pride and devotion, the poetry of his endless plains and landscapes, to drink Conmemorativo Tequila* with a very strong and huge cuban cigar. "Those were the days, my friend, when we were young, that we thought will never end...!"

Flavio Velásquez

*Sauza Conmemorativo 1873-1978

John Wayne thanks me because together we help each other writing the public statement that follows:

November 1977
in his home at Bayshore Drive - Newport Beach

Panamá y Flavio Velásquez.
Soy parte de esa generación de profesionales del decenio de los setenta que se ocupó del fortalecimiento institucional del Estado Panameño siendo parte de las negociaciones de los Tratados Torrijos-Carter y del equipo de analistas técnicos que preparó el Proyecto de Desarrollo Nacional de Nicolas Ardito Barletta. Sin embargo después de la muerte de Torrijos Padre la institucionalidad del Estado panameño no se fortaleció sino que se ha debilitado progresivamente por el predominio incontrolado de los intereses privativos del individuo en perjuicio de los intereses de orden público. En mi opinión es la incivilizada conciencia del pueblo panameño, carente de cultura y de ética, como producto del colapso del sistema educativo,  lo que hace posible que el poder creciente del Fuero Presidencial no se traslade a favor de un fortalecimiento profesional y ético de la institucionalidad del Estado sino a un fortalecimiento injusto de los intereses sectoriales e individuales.


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